DOB Unknown - 9/15/2015
In 2000, a frightened adult dog ran wildly in our Miami Florida street, darting in and out of what he believed might protect him from being captured. Afraid of all humans but one, he tread behind Martha on her daily neighborhood walks. Martha knew that I loved dogs and alerted me to the stray. We captured him and placed him in the fence with my pit bull, greyhound and corgi. the only one that objected was the corgi. After 16 work hours, I needed sleep and went to bed. The new dog nestled under the covers and slept. I had a hard time sleeping because the new dog had 30 stainless steel stitches in his side which he desired to point towards my chest. Turns out he had been hit by a car and the driver took him to an animal hospital to be stitched up. She then took him home and put him in her back yard where he immediately escaped under a gate. Named MARK, he was one of those dogs that you wish you could have but never do. He was afraid of things he should have been and always thought carefully before barking. He left the house when a fire alarm sounded. Other dogs followed. He loved to play and ran with his brothers on the day he died. Riding in the car was his dream. Each time he and his brothers were settled in the car, before I started the engine, Mark (sitting in the front passenger seat), looked me square in the eyes and reached his paw out for me to me to touch. Other than riding in the car, dog biscuits tied as his #1 desire. No more pain medications are necessary good friend. Thanks for loving me unconditionally. Sleep well.